Showing posts from category: Home

Location has changed Art is same..
Creative Mithila has gone bigger and better.. You can now enjoy my art at a new address..

Mithila paintings as doodles on phone (Lotus and Peacock)
Made these sometime back couldn’t post them here. These are doodles made on smartphone Samsung Galaxy Note 4 with the help of S-Pen. First let me explain the paintings : Lotus: The painting is of Lotus on Paan leaf along with the motifs of peacock and other designs in background and borders in the theme of Mithila /…
Media covered story of Mithila Painting in New Jersey
Earlier, there was a post on the display of Mithila Paintings in New Jersey. In the post it was mentioned about the Mithila (Madhubani) Paintings by Nupur Nishith which are on display at the Bayonne Art and Music Festival from June 14-21st , 2013 in New Jersey , USA. Now. two of popular Hindi dailies of Patna…

Mithila Painting in New Jersey
Mithila Paintings by Nupur Nishith are on display at The First Annual Bayonne Art and Music Festival from June 14th,15th and 16th-21st, 2013 in Bayonne, New Jersey, USA. The paintings exhibited during the festival are Lord Ganesha Bride in Mithila Ardhanarishwar Kalash Raas (with Face) Due to shortage of time five existing Mithila Paintings were displayed in the exhibition. However, The paintings received a overwhelming…
Bride plucking flower in Garden in Mithila Painting
Bride plucking flower in Garden in Mithila Painting is digitally painted with the motifs and style of Madhubani / Mithila Painting. In traditional Mithila it is called “Gauri Pujan lai phool torait Kaniya” (Maithili Language) meaning “Bride plucking flowers for worshiping Goddess Gauri”. The married ladies of Mithila worship Goddess Gauri with lot of devotion for…

Goddess Durga
या देवी सर्वभूतेषु मातृरूपेण संस्थिता । नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥ Goddess Durga On the auspicious occasion of Durga Puja and Navratri, Goddess Durga in Madhubani / Mithila style of Painting. In traditional Mithila this painting is also known as painting of “Bhagawati” ( meaning “Devi” or “Goddess” ) Mode of Creation : Digital…

Bride in Mithila (01)
Bride in Mithila decorated up with ornaments in a sitting posture performing the rituals. The background motifs include Fish, Peacock, Lotus (Kamal), Shankh etc Base: Paper Paint: Poster Colours Mode: Handmade Painting Artist – Nupur Nishith

Lord Buddha
Theme: Lord Buddha sitting on ‘Lotus” surrounded with the Buddhist symbols of “Peepal Leaves”, “Dharma Chakra” “Buddhist Drums”. Mode of Creation : Digital Artist : Nupur Nishith