- Lotus in Mithila / Madhubani Painting (Doodle on Phone Samsung Galaxy Note4)
- Peacock in Mithila / Madhubani Painting (Doodle on Phone Samsung Galaxy Note4)
Made these sometime back couldn’t post them here. These are doodles made on smartphone Samsung Galaxy Note 4 with the help of S-Pen.
First let me explain the paintings :
The painting is of Lotus on Paan leaf along with the motifs of peacock and other designs in background and borders in the theme of Mithila / Madhubani Paintings. Lotus on Paan leaf painting is considered auspicious in Mithila and made in the Aripan (floor painting) during the Bhratridwitya (Bhai Dooj) festival.
The painting is of Peacock along with the motifs of flowers and leaves in background and borders in the theme of Mithila / Madhubani Paintings. This is a common painting made as fillers in Mithila.
These paintings have been digitally made on smartphone Samsung Galaxy Note 4 with the help of S-Pen. Autodesk Sketchbook app was used to make these paintings. This style is a fresh move in the field of digital Mithila / Madhubani Paintings. Here the outcome of the paintings are almost similar to those made by brush and paint. Thess painting can be printed on any material in size proportional to the dimensions of the paintings.
Mode: Digital Painting
Tool: Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and it’s S-Pen.
Artist: Nupur Nishith
P.S Other painting of made on phone on this site
For other Digital Paintings on this site, please visit Gallery of Digital Paintings
Gopal Sinha
June 12, 2015 - 7:47 am ·मिथिला चित्रकला के प्रति स्वाभाविक आकर्षण, समर्पण आदि तो सराहनीय हैं ही, लोकप्रियता, परिपक्वता एवं सफलता की सीढियां भी अनायास खुल रही हैं। इस प्रयत्न में शिथिलता न आवे, विषयों में, शैली में विविधता बनी रहे, प्रयोगधर्मिता एक विशेषता हो–यही कामना है। एक श्रृंखला के रूप में मिथिलांचल के ऐतिहासिक, पौराणिक घटनाओं एवं घटना-स्थलों को चित्र-कला के माध्यम से कुछ विशेष स्वरूप, अर्थ, संदर्भ अथवा शैली में यदि प्रस्तुत करने का प्रयास हो, तो स्वागत-योग्य होगा। शुभकामनाएं !